How to Play GiftTrails

The game is a battle of wits, a clash of imaginations played out amongst two opposing forces in your home. One plays the role of Host. The other plays the role of Hunter.

The Host is the event planner who designs the game in advance of play. Their job is to stump the Hunter. Using the tools of GiftTrails, the Host works to construct a secret hidden trail inside the home. A trail marked with riddles, puzzles, tasks and challenges. The Host works to mix them together, matching to the age and intellect of the Hunter, and then set the trail.

The Hunter is caught by surprise and presented with the challenge.. They set out to blaze through the trail, slay the clues, and claim their prize at the trail’s end.

How to Host: Watch Video

Tips for Hosting The Game

A quick tutorial on how to Host the game.

The Tools of GiftTrails

The mixing and matching of cards and puzzles is the centerpiece of GiftTrails. As the kids age, the level of difficulty can deepen. WIth each game played, the Host becomes more adept at adapting the game to fit the Hunters’ ages, abilities and preferences.

200 Riddles

200 Puzzles

Magic in a Bottle: The Kitchen Table

The kitchen table is central command.

The game centers around the kitchen table, but your entire home serves as its playing board. As the Hunter discovers each new Clue Card along the trail, they are instructed to return to the kitchen table where they will reveal the clue and solve the next riddle or puzzle. This will bottle the energy of the game. The kitchen becomes the stage where seated family & friends play witness to this epic clash of imaginations.

Use the Sleeves!

Your Card Deck will include a set of 14 Sleeves. As you plant each new trail, and play each new game, use these Sleeves over and over again. Place your Clue Cards into the Sleeves as you set your trail. Instruct the Hunter to return to the kitchen table upon each discovery before pulling out the next card and reading the Clue. This will help bottle the energy of the game around the kitchen table for friends & family to witness.

 The Host vs. The Hunter

The Host: Wizard of Wit

The Host controls the pace of play, the level of challenge, the length of the game, and the prize at the trail’s end. Using a mix of Clue Cards and Challenge Cards, the Host works to set the trail. Extend the Challenge. Stump the Hunter.

The Hunters: Wizards of Wisdom

The Hunter is tasked with accepting the challenge. They work to battle their way through the maze of riddles & puzzles, slay the clues, and reach the trail’s end to claim their prize. Can the kids outwit their parents?

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